CHEC, one of the UK’s leading providers of community healthcare, has marked a clinical milestone this week after treating its first surgical eye patients at the recently opened Centre Park site.

One of the first patients to benefit from CHEC’s community cataract procedures was Brian Larkin, aged 74.

When asked about his experience at the CHEC Warrington hospital, Brian said: “Having been referred to CHEC by my optician, I was offered a quick appointment date. When attending on surgery day, the theatre was spotless, and the surgery was painless. The whole experience was great, and the team were friendly and efficient.”

Working in partnership with the NHS, CHEC is helping to reduce waiting times in Warrington and the surrounding areas by making essential treatments more accessible in the community.

The new Warrington hospital will support the NHS in reducing waiting times for ophthalmology by treating patients within four weeks of a referral being received.

Lauren Puckering, Hospital Manager for CHEC Warrington, said: “Patient choice and care are front and centre of our operations at CHEC, and we’ve developed a wide range of initiatives to make it easier for people to access the healthcare services they need. But the most rewarding part is seeing the impact our community-based healthcare has on people like Brian.”


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